Sunday, 3 September 2017

Monika Načeva - Udržuj svou ledničku plnou (Keep Your Fridge Full)

 Another represantation of the colourful post-socialist musical scene of the 1990's, this song is arguably one of the best punk offerings Czech music has to give. In her debut album Možnosti tu jsou (There Are Options, 1994), Monika Načeva combines Jáchym Topol's harsh, yet intimate poetry with straightforward punk energy and a cheeky black and white videoclip inspired by Patti Smith.

Jáchym Topol (brother of the late Filip Topol from Psí vojáci, which I covered on this blog) was not allowed to publish officially until 1989, but his poems were spread in samizdat. Udržuj svou ledničku plnou (Keep Your Fridge Full) is part of his first collection of poetry, Miluju tě k zbláznění (I Love You Madly, 1990, samizdat 1988). Since then, he has published a number of novels that were translated into several languages, and two of them were adapted to films.

Monika Načeva is a Czech actress and singer who often works with notable poets and musicians. Her work is astonishingly diverse, ranging from punk and rock to chanson or trip-hop. This is definitely not the last time you see her on this blog, because I find her one of the most interesting Czech musicians, and I highly recommend you go and find more of her work.

Note the use of the pronoun "svůj". In Czech, this pronoun is used when the object belongs to the person in the subject. E.g.: "Dal to své dceři." = He gave it to his own daughter. "Dal to jeho dceři." = He gave it to someone else's (who was mentioned earlier in the text) daughter. This is particularly important in order to understand the line "sebe si nesu, svůj otrok." If it was "můj otrok", it would mean simply "my slave", as the slave and the owner would be two people. This way, they are one, I. I am owned by myself, I am my own slave. Whew, complicated :-)

Udržuj svou ledničku plnou

Máš to rád you like it
když when
den day
posype sprinkles, scatters
you (acc.)
popelem [with] ash (instr.)

You like it when the day scatters ash on you

Jó, yeah
mám to rád I like it
když when
mi [to] me (dat.)
popeláři dustmen
končej [they] end, finish
den day
Yeah, I like it when the dustmen end my day

Tím [with] that (instr.)
rachotem, rumble (instr.)
jo, tím rachotem
With that rumble, yeah, with that rumble

Máš to rád když den posype tě popelem
You like it when the day scatters ash on you

A and
duše soul
na on
talíři plate (loc.)
rozprostřená spread
je is
jak like
lágr (slang) concentration camp
And the soul spread on the plate is like a [concentration] camp

Sebe myself
si (reflexive pronoun)
nesu, carry
svůj my own
otrok, slave
sebenegr self-negro
I carry myself, my own slave, a self-negro

A duše na talíři rozprostřená je jak lágr
And the soul spread on the plate is like a [concentration] camp

Sebe si nesu, svůj otrok, sebenegr
I carry myself, my own slave, a self-negro

A and
co what
seš you are; colloquial
shrbenej, hunched, bent
co what
to it, used for emphasis
taháš lug, drag, pull
And why are you hunched, what are you lugging

A co seš shrbenej
And why are you hunched

Každej everyone (coll.)
si [for themselves]
hledá look for, search for (3rd
svý, their own; coll.
kam where (to)
sebe oneself
vrazit thrust, ram
Everyone looks for their own, where to thrust themselves,

každej si hledá svý
Everyone looks for their own

Každej si hledá svý kam sebe vrazit
Everyone looks for their own, where to thrust themselves,

každej si hledá svý
Everyone looks for their own

Nejsem I'm not
temný, dark
jsem I am
jemný tender, gentle
v in
hezkým nice, pretty
svetru sweater (loc.)
I'm not dark, I'm gentle, in a nice sweater

Jsem I am
sekáč ace, corker, swell
všech [of] all (gen.)
svejch my (own) (
rodin families (
I'm an ace of all my families

Udržuju I keep
svou my (own) (acc.)
ledničku fridge
plnou full (acc.)
Udržuju svou ledničku plnou

Se with
sousedy neighbours (
nekomunikuju, I don't communicate
kontempluju I contemplate
I don't communicate with my neighbours, I contemplate

Udržuju svou ledničku plnou
I keep my fridge full


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