Sunday, 27 August 2017

Karel Kryl - Dvacet (Twenty)

The holidays are coming to an end and I hope that you've had a nice vacation. This week marked the 49th anniversary of the invasion of the armies of the Warsaw pact in Czechoslovakia, so I think it would be appropriate to once again look at the brilliant work of Karel Kryl.

I chose his song Jeřabiny (Rowanberries) for my very first blogpost, because I simply cannot get enough of Kryl's masterful poetry. Today's song will be a little more complex, so that you can get the gist of why he's praised not only by casual listeners, but also by literature scholars. Dvacet may not be among his most well-known songs, but it is definitely one of my favourites. Kryl wrote it for the 20th anniversary of the invasion, in exile. In his later songs, Kryl tends to play with words and implement very subtle barbs at the Czechoslovak regime. He also criticized the people for not taking action and being compliant with the regime. However, at the same time, he was trying to inspire them to do something, and to give them hope.

Complete vocabulary of this song


Ztichly fell silent, grew quiet
louky meadows
i [both] and
bor, pinewood
mrtvé dead
vrcholy peaks, tops
hor, [of] mountains
Both the meadows and the pine wood have fallen silent, dead mountaintops,

padl fell
žal sorrow, grief
na on, upon, onto
večer evening, night
srpnový. August (adj.)
Grief has fallen upon an August night,

V prachu in [the] dust
dvaceti [of] twenty (gen.)
let [of] years (
zmizel disappeared, vanished
oheň fire
i [both] and
led, ice
In the dust of twenty years, both the fire and ice have vanished,

zbyly remained, were left
jen just, only
carovy tzar's
proslovy. speeches, orations
All that's left are the tzar's speeches.

Z from, out of
větví [from] branches (
rezavých [of] rusty, russet (
lesů [of] woods, forrests (
hřmí thunders, rumbles (3rd
ticho silence
děsu, [of] terror, fright (
From the branches of russet woods, the silece of terror rumbles,

slepí the blind (noun,
a and
hluší the deaf (noun,
dál [carry on doing something]
kulmují tong (3rd
uši ears
The blind and the deaf continue to tong the ears

králi [to, for] king (

Krví [with] blood (
značena je is marked
dlažba pavement, cobbles (
u near, by
Pavement by the Danube is marked with blood,

hroby graves
padlých [of] the fallen (
jsou are (3rd
bezejmenné. nameless
Graves of the fallen are nameless,

Heslo slogan
o about, on
vítězství victory (
cizím [with] other's, another's
peřím feathers, plumage (
se skví, glitters, sparkles (3rd
The slogan about victory is decked in borrowed plumes,

dávno long ago
krev blood (
vsákla seeped
do kamene. into stone (
Long ago the blood seeped into stone,

Barva colour (
rubínu [of] ruby (
z žezla from sceptre (
v záhnědu into a smoky quartz (
zrezla, rusted
The colour of the ruby in the sceptre has rusted into a smoky quartz

zavřeni locked, closed
v in, inside
kleci [in] cage (
jsme we are
otroky slaves (
věcí, [of] things (
Locked in a cage, we are slaves of things,

nikdo nobody
nevzpomene. won't remember (double negative)
No-one remembers.

Nad above
zemi country, land (
prodanou sold, bartered
větry winds
when (into furture)
přivanou bring (by blowing)
oblaka clouds (
zelená green
z žíravin, from, of corrosives (
When the winds bring green clouds of acids above the bartered land,

vlasy hair (
tvé your
havraní raven
uchopím [I] will take, grasp
do into
dlaní, palms (
I will take your raven hair in my hands

z from
prstenu ring (
zaplane [will] flare up, sparkle
vltavín, moldavite
A moldavite will sparkle from the ring,

snítka twig, spring spray
nachových crimson (
plodů fruits
rozčeří [will] ripple
vodu, water (
A spray of crimson fruits will ripple the water,

navzdory out of spite, in spite
posté for the hundredth time
zas again
na břehu on the bank (
vzroste [will] grow (up)
rudý red, ruby
trs bunch, tuft, clump
jeřabin... [of] rowanberries (
Out of spite, for the hundredth time, a ruby bunch of rowanberries will grow on the bank again.

1. Reference to the Czech national anthem
2. Possible reference to Jan Palach, definitely a metaphor for the rage of being occupied that disappeared in the wake of day-to-day business
3. There was little concern for the environment during the Communists' rule, and devastation of nature is a common theme in Kryl's songs
4. Reference to collaborants with the regime
5. Reference to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, which was similar, though much more bloody than the 1968 invasion in Czechoslovakia
6. During commuinsm, it was not allowed to mention the fact that part of Czechoslovakia was liberated by the American army
7. Reference to the Bohemian Crown Jewels, one of the official symbols of Czech statehood, and a symbol of Czech independence

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