Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Waldemar Matuška - Slavíci z Madridu (Nightingales from Madrid)

We can say without exaggeration that Waldemar Matuška was one of the most popular Czech singers of all time. With his fiery gaze, impassionate bass-baritone, but also a great sense of humour, he soon became the heart-throb of many a young woman in the 1960's and 1970's. People would often joke that young women could be divided into two groups: Karel Gott's fangirls, and Waldemar Matuška's fangirls (I myself proudly identify as the latter!☺)

An only son of a Vienna operetta singer, Matuška first got training as a glassmith, but his passion for music soon lead him to the theatre Semafor - a powerhouse of new talent in the 1960's - and soon became a huge star. Later, he started acting in films, his songs would be featured as title songs of many TV series. However, after he didn't return from the USA in 1986, all his work got blacklisted. His voice was erased from titular TV show songs, his latest record was destroyed, and his name was deleted from end credits. Films that he'd appeared in were forbidden. The 1990's meant a reneissance of his old songs, but even though he would hold many concerts in his homeland, he never returned from America to live here.

A popular practice in the 1950's, 60's and 70's was translating songs from the West. The originals often could not be played here at all, and people wouldn't understand them anyway. Sometimes, it happened so that the translation was somehow even better than the original - often completely changing the topic of the song. Especially popular were French songs, and that is the case of Slavíci z Madridu. Originally written as Rossignol Anglais by Hugues Auffray, it was used (similarly to Modlitba pro Martu) for the TV musical series Píseň pro Rudolfa III. (A Song for Rudolf III), from which is the video below.

Slavíci z Madridu

(Hugues Auffray / Ivo Fischer)

Nebe sky
je is
modrý blue
a and
zlatý, gold, golden

The sky is blue and gold,

bílá white
sluneční sun (adj), sun's, solar
záře, glare, brightness
White [is] the sun's glare,

horko heat
a and
sváteční festive, Sunday
šaty, dress(es), clothes
Heat and Sunday clothes,

vřava bedlam, razzle-dazzle, turmoil
a and
zpocený sweaty, covered in sweat
tváře. faces
Bedlam and sweaty faces.

Vím, I know
co what
se bude dít, will, is about to happen, unfold
I know what is about to happen,

býk bull
se reflexive pronoun; "vzpínat se"
v ohradě in the enclosure, pen
vzpíná, is rearing
The bull is already rearing in the enclosure,

kdo who
chce, wants
ten he, that
může can
jít, go
Who wants, can go,

si dám will have
sklenici glass (acc.)
vína. [of] wine (gen.)
I'll have a glass of wine.

Žízeň thirst
je is
veliká, big, great
život life
mi [to] me (dat.)
utíká, run, fly [away, past, by]
The thirst is great, my life is flying past,

nechte let (pl.)
příjemně nicely, pleasantly
snít. dream
Let me dream pleasantly,

Ve in
stínu shadow, shade (loc.)
pod under, below
fíky figs, fig trees
poslouchat listen [to]
slavíky, nightingales (acc. pl.)
In the shade below the fig trees, to listen to the nightingales,

zpívat sing
si reflex. pronoun; "to myself"
s nima with them
a and
pít. drink
To sing with them and drink.

Ženy women
jsou are
krásný beautiful
a and
cudný, chaste
Women are beautiful and chaste,

mnohá many [a]
se ve mně have taken in me
zhlídla. fancy
Many have taken a fancy in me.

Oči eyes
jako like
dvě two
studny, wells
Eyes like two wells,

vlasy hair
jak like
havraní raven (adj.)
křídla. wings
Hair like a raven's wings.

Dobře well
vím, [I] know
co what
znamená means
pád fall, tumble, downfall
I know well what a fall means,

do into, to
nástrah traps, lures, snares (gen. pl.)
dívčího girl's (gen.m.)
klína, lap, (arch.) womb
Into the lures of a girl's lap (womb)

někdo someone, some [people]
má pletky rád, likes [amorous] intrigues, affairs
Some are fond of affairs,

radši rather, like better, prefer
sklenici glass, tumbler, jar (acc.)
vína. [of] wine (gen.)
I prefer a glass of wine.

Žízeň je veliká, život mi utíká,
The thirst is great, my life is flying past,

nechte mě příjemně snít.
Let me dream pleasantly,

Ve stínu pod fíky poslouchat slavíky,
In the shade below the fig trees, to listen to the nightingales,

zpívat si s nima a pít.
To sing with them and drink.

Žízeň je veliká, život mi utíká,
The thirst is great, my life is flying past,

nechte mě příjemně snít.
Let me dream pleasantly,

Ve stínu pod fíky poslouchat slavíky,
In the shade below the fig trees, to listen to the nightingales,

zpívat si s nima a pít.
To sing with them and drink.

Nebe sky
je is
modrý blue
a and
zlatý, gold, golden
The sky is blue and gold,

ženy women
krásný beautiful
a and
cudný, chaste
Women beautiful and chaste,

mantily, mantillas
sváteční festive, Sunday
šaty, dresses
Mantillas, Sunday dresses,

oči eyes
jako like
dvě two
studny... wells
Eyes like two wells...

Zmoudřel* [I've] grown wiser
jsem (aux. verb for past tense 1st person)
stranou od aside, apart from
lidí, people (
I've grown wise apart from people,

jsem [I] am
jak like
ta the, that (f.)
zahrada garden
stinná. shady, shadowy (pleasantly so)
I'm like the shadowy garden.

Kdo who
chce, wants
let [them]
mi [to] me (dat.)
závidí, envies
Who wants, let them envy me,

si dám will have
sklenici glass (acc.)
vína. [of] wine (gen.)
I'll have a glass of wine.

Žízeň je veliká, život mi utíká,
The thirst is great, my life is flying past,

nechte mě příjemně snít.
Let me dream pleasantly,

Ve stínu pod fíky poslouchat slavíky,
In the shade below the fig trees, to listen to the nightingales,

zpívat si s nima a pít.
To sing with them and drink.


*) The prefix "z-" often means a change. It typically turns an indefinite verb into a finite one: moudřet (to be getting wiser) - zmoudřet (to grow wise(er)), červenat (to be getting red) - zčervenat (to get red), měnit (to be changing) - změnit (to change).

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