Sunday, 25 June 2017

Karel Gott - Lady Carneval

It is impossible to write about Czech music and not have an article about this amazing singer, so let me rectify this right now. Karel Gott's star rose to fame in the 1960's, and he continues to enjoy immense popularity to this day. He has won the national competition Zlatý slavík (Golden Nightingale, after 1969 Český slavík) an unbelievable number of 41 times (last time for 2016 - in 2017, at the age of 77!).

Ever since a young age, Gott was interested in art - he applied for studies of graphic arts, but he was not accepted and started studying to become an electrician. During this time he focused on music, and then went to the conservatory, where he studied both popular style and opera singing. Classical training gave his voice resonance, great range, and the ability to sing considerably difficult passages with ease.

In 1968, Gott asked his friends, composer Karel Svoboda and lyricist Jiří Štaidl, to write him a song that he could compete with at the Rio de Janeiro festival. They bought a liter of Myslivec, and suddenly Štaidl said the two words: Lady Carneval. Svoboda sat down at the piano, and within ten minutes, they had a song. And not just any song! It became one of Gott's signature songs, and was translated into 36 different languages.